My Kindess Rock

On my kindness rock, I wrote, “Be the Change”. I wrote this on my rock because in 2018 I want to make some changes to my lifestyle that will better me and the people around me. So, instead of waiting until a change occurs I want to make the change for myself.


“Kindness Rock” by krthelifeofme shared under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

Child Development Project

In child development, we have a project that everyone has to do. This project is taking a robot baby home. I had to take it home this past weekend and it cries a lot. I got a baby girl and over the weekend I had to take her to different places, like stores, because we had to take it to 3 different public places. When I took my baby to these places I had a lot of different looks given to me by people. I also had a lot of people talk to me about if it was real and why I had it. One of the stores I went to a worker was asking about it and then she said that she wished her son would’ve taken that class. She said that her son is a senior and so is his girlfriend and that they are supposed to be having a baby this month. I think this was a really good experience for us as teenagers have because it makes us see how hard it really is to have a baby.


“baby” by krthelifeofme shared under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International


Our English class went to interview different people depending on what group you were in and I thought the experience was really fun and interesting. Even though it wasn’t the job that I wanted to see because I have never wanted to go into that field I think it was still a pretty good experience overall.

No Redirect” is by Tumisu and is shared under a CC0 Creative Commons